Recipe for Fun - Dressed Up Sneakz Organic Milkshakes

Still looking for a healthy, kid-friendly beverage option to offer at your Friendsgiving (or Thanksgiving!) gathering? Skip the cider and pass on the juice pouches. These turkey milk boxes will make adorable additions to any kid’s table.

What You'll Need


  • Small brown paper bags (one lunch-sized bag makes two turkey milk wraps)
  • Scissors
  • Pencil or pen
  • One piece of the following colors of paper: red, orange, yellow, brown (makes an average of 4 feather hands per piece)
  • Googly eyes (need 2 per carton)
  • Tacky glue
  • Tape (from wrapping milk box)


  • Sneakz Organic Milkshakes

How to Make Them


  1. Measure and cut the brown paper bag to cover the Sneakz box completely. Cut enough of these so you have one brown paper wrap per box. Using tape (or tacky glue), fix the brown paper around the milk box, being sure to remove the straw before you wrap completely. Let dry.

2. While the brown paper is drying, trace your child’s hand several times on one piece of paper. Stack all of the colors of paper then cut hand “feather” outs from all the pages. Fan out hand cut-outs (preferably one feather of each color. Glue hand cut-outs to the backside of each milk box (so that they look like feathers when flipped over).

3. Using the scraps from the orange paper, cut one beak per milk box. Using the leftover red paper, cut one wattle per milk box. Glue the beak and wattle to each milk box. Add googly eyes.

4. Let dry until it is time to eat. Then puncture the turkey with the provided straw and enjoy!

This fun twist on a Thanksgiving recipe is brought to you by Ashley of Veggies and Virtue. Follow her on Instagram and check out her website for meal-plans, kid-friendly food, and other awesome resources by this amazing pediatric dietician and mother of two.